The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, January 4, 2003

Aerial truck will be used for structure fires

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

Sharpsville Volunteer Fire Department received a belated Christmas gift Friday morning -- a 2003 E-One fire apparatus worth more than $400,000.

The new vehicle is an aerial truck. The 75-foot "side stacker" replaces a 1971 Hahn pumper, said Fire Chief Andy Totin.

The chief of 10 years said the truck, which the borough purchased for $463,860, will mainly be used for structure fires. The department also owns a 1939 Ahrens Fox truck and a 1998 E-One pumper.

Totin said the new truck has many advantages the 1998 truck doesn't. That includes the ability to extend a ladder to attack fires from above without actually having a firefighter on the ladder.

"I feel good. We're really grateful for the borough to go out and buy this. We were due for a new truck. The old one was 30 years old," Totin said.

"Borough and council have been greatly supportive of us," he added.

Last year, Totin flew to Ocala, Fla., to view the truck. It was ordered in May and took about six months to build.

Borough Manager Mike Wilson said plans to buy a new truck had been in the works for 12 years. The plan was to buy two new trucks -- one in 1998 and another in 2003. Setting aside money every year for the purchases allowed the borough to afford the expense, he said; department changes and pension cutbacks also helped.

"It's a very nice addition to the capabilities of the fire department. It should meet our needs for the foreseeable future," Wilson said.

Assistant Chief Edwin Getway said that after 28 years with the fire department, it was nice to finally get an aerial truck.

"It's the first aerial we've received," he said. "I'm impressed with it. I think it will do good for the community."

Sharpsville volunteer firefighters plan to spend $15,000 for additional equipment for the truck.

The department has 55 firefighters, 20 of whom are active.

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