The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, January 11, 2003

Humane Society's request
to withdraw variance granted

By Erin Palko
Herald Staff Writer

The Farrell Zoning Hearing Board on Friday granted a request to the Humane Society of Mercer County to withdraw the variance that would have allowed the society to build an office complex, shelter and store in Farrell.

Zoners granted the variance on Sept. 20, allowing the society to build the shelter at the northeast corner of Roemer Boulevard, but the Pentecostal House of Prayer, 725 Fruit Ave., appealed to Mercer County Common Pleas Court.

The society board announced Nov. 25 it would abandon the site.

Zoning board solictor Robert Tesone read a letter at the hearing from Rick Harakal, president of the Humane Society, and Sandi Drabick, executive director:

"It is sad that those residents of Farrell who opposed our shelter didn't take the time to learn what any Humane Society represents. We set the example for good animal care, which includes adequate shelter, nutrition, veterinarian care, cleanliness, love and protection.

"We have no idea what type of animal care and shelter provisions the opposed residents of Farrell thought they may be facing had our shelter been built on the lots in Farrell ..."

The Rev. Thomas Bolling, pastor of Second Baptist Church, Farrell, said that those opposed understood the purpose of the shelter, but disagreed with the location.

"It's not that we're opposed to such a shelter, just the location of the shelter," he said.

Zoner John Brown said he also disagreed with the location of the shelter.

"Not that we didn't want them in Farrell, we just didn't think the location was proper," Brown said. "I think they would have been a nice asset. Everything is good in its proper place."

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