The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Sunday, January 19, 2003

Society misidentified Chester's real rescuers

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

A Lackawannock Township couple were actually the people who caught and sheltered Chester, the runaway horse.

Stacey Montgomery said she and her husband William were out looking for Chester, who had been missing for two days, and saw him running on Yankee Ridge Road where they live. Mrs. Montgomery said they got in their truck, blocked Chester, and lured him into their driveway with a bucket of feed.

Mrs. Montgomery, who owns horses, said she was able to talk to Chester and grab hold of his lead rope so she could put him in their barn.

Chester was wearing both of his blankets, though they were wet, and he still had his harness and lead rope on, she said.

The Herald was given incorrect information by Sandy Drabick, executive director of the Mercer County Humane Society, who told The Herald in a story Saturday that the Gearhart family caught Chester.

The Gearharts said Saturday they saw Chester and called the police but nothing more.

Mrs. Montgomery said she also called the police who put her in touch with the man who was caring for Chester.

Chester's owner is an Amish man from New Wilmington with the last name Yoder, Mrs. Montgomery said. The neighbor then contacted Chester's owner, and they came to get Chester, she said.

She said Chester had a lot of "get up and go" and didn't appear any worse for the wear though he had been outside for two days. She said she fed Chester but there was "not a thing wrong with him."

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