The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Sunday, January 26, 2003

POW/MIA vigil draws attention to those lost in war

By Amanda Smith-Teutsch
Herald Staff Writer

Every January, the Mercer County Vietnam Era Veterans Association holds a 24-hour vigil in front of the Mercer County Courthouse in honor of the American soldiers left behind after the Vietnam War.

"We believe there are still people being held there," said Dana Wagner, a long-time supporter of the group who was taking his turn manning the vigil Saturday afternoon. It began at 9 p.m. Friday, "We do this every year to show and remind people there are still (soldiers) being held."

The group has held the vigil for 19 years. On Jan. 27, the Viet Cong, the North Vietnamese and South Vietnamese armies signed a cease fire agreement in Paris, bringing about the end of U.S. involvement in the war.

Vetrans' groups like the Mercer County organization say almost 2,000 American soldiers are still held in Vietnam.

The 24-hour vigil is organized, association chairman Wayne Stratos said, to remind people that many of the soldiers reported as missing In action or prisoners of war could still be waiting to come home.

"It is sometimes overlooked by a lot of folks," Stratos said.

This year, the temperature for the vigil hovered in the low teens.

Stratos said the vigil holders took turns, working in four or five shifts overnight. The organization had heaters, hot beverages, a tent for shelter and a burning barrel to help keep warm.

"In 19 years, we've only had one person ever get frostbite," Stratos said.

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