The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Day care gets
council approval

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

Farrell council granted permission Monday night to allow a woman to open a group day-care home.

Cynthia Dessaw will go ahead with plans to open the home at 1126 Spearman Ave. in a building owned by Second Baptist Church, Farrell.

The building is a former business with apartments that had been turned into a duplex and is in a traditional neighborhood zone. Under Farrell's zoning ordinance, group day-care homes can open with the approval of council.

The request first went to Farrell Planning Commission on Jan. 10. Planners recommended that council give Ms. Dessaw the go-ahead.

Ms. Dessaw, who attended Monday's meeting, asked that she be allowed to open the day care.

The building already has passed fire and code inspections and Ms. Dessaw, who lives there, is seeking state approval to open the business.

Councilman Mark Petrillo asked if it were possible for someone else to move into the building and run a day care, should Ms. Dessaw leave.

Solicitor Stephen J. Mirizio said "no" because the motion grants privileges to Ms. Dessaw, not to the building. Once she is granted full usage, she is free to operate her business as long as she doesn't stop using it for a year, Mirizio said.

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