The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, February 1, 2003

Woman, 2-year-old daughter
are left homeless after fire

A house fire last Saturday afternoon left a 38-year-old Wilmington Township woman and her 2-year-old daughter without a home.

Elaine Harper of 92 S. Bend Road, was working at the time of the fire and her brother, Earl Harper of West Middlesex, was watching Ms. Harper's daughter Taylor.

Harper said the fire started at about 3:30 p.m. and was sparked by heating tape that shorted out.

Ms. Harper had very little insurance on the home, her brother said.

Harper said the home belonged to their late parents. "It's like they died all over again. It's like everything they worked for is gone," he said, adding that a collection of clown figurines, Hummels and an antique china closest were lost in the blaze.

Ms. Harper initially stayed at the Comfort Inn in Shenango Township but isn't there any longer, Harper said Friday. He said she is staying with friends and relatives.

Ms. Harper is being assisted by the American Red Cross. A fund has been set up in her name at Sky Bank in New Wilmington.

Harper said he contacted the Mercer County Housing Authority and the Red Cross to see about getting his sister an apartment because she can't stay in the house.

New Wilmington and Volant volunteer firefighters responded to the blaze.

For more information, call the bank at (724) 946-3537

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