The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, February 7, 2003

Office offer is off the table

Gargano calls off deal for D.J. office

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By Joe Pinchot
Herald Staff Writer

William E. Gargano has rescinded his offer to sell a former restaurant to Mercer County for use as a district justice's office, said Commissioner Kenneth Seamans.

Gargano, partner in Garfar Inc., Sharpsville, which owns the building and the surrounding Farrell City Centre, had offered to sell the former C's Waffle House at 841 Sharon-New Castle Road for half of its appraised value.

The proposal was denounced by Farrell City Council and Farrell Area School Board because of the building's proximity to the school district's main building and the shopping plaza and the fact that the building would be pulled from the tax rolls.

Gargano decided to rescind the offer because of the adverse publicity the offer brought and telephone calls complaining of the offer, Seamans said, adding that he was disappointed by the move.

"I feel bad because it's a loss to the county," he said.

With the purchase price of $130,000 and an estimate to renovate the building for court use -- no more than $80,000 -- buying the building was the most cost-effective way to provide a new home for the office of District Justice Henry J. Russo, Hermitage, Seamans said.

"We're back to square one," he said of finding a new home for the office.

Council wants the county to erect a new building at Spearman Avenue and Roemer Boulevard, across Roemer from the post office. The city owns the land.

To prepare the sloped site, put up the building and build a parking lot would cost about $410,000, Seamans said.

Council members doubted that the cost needed to be that high and commissioners agreed to ask architect John Gruitza to take another look at his plans and see if he could devise a cheaper building.

Seamans said Gruitza has not produced a new design.

"We've been on him," Seamans said.

City Manager LaVon Saternow said she believed council members, who had publicly criticized Gargano, will be relieved to learn that Gargano rescinded his offer.

"As a body, they did not support that site," she said. "Hopefully, we'll hear some good news about the Spearman and Roemer site."

Council members believe that site can accommodate a building at a cost that will "make everybody happy," Mrs. Saternow said.

She added that she was not aware of any effort by council members to convince Gargano to rescind the offer.

School board President Lester Robinson Jr. said he was happy to hear of Gargano's action.

"As a parent, that was a not good site for our kids, being exposed to that," he said.

Robinson also said he supports council's effort to build at Spearman and Roemer.

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