The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, February 14, 2003

City is asked
to share cost
of new office
for Russo

By Joe Pinchot
Herald Staff Writer

An architect has submitted plans for a new district justice office in Farrell, but city council would have to agree to pay part of the cost for it to be built.

Mercer County Commissioner Kenneth Seamans said architect John Gruitza had turned in a plan for a 2,500-square-foot building, proposed to be built at Spearman Avenue and Roemer Boulevard, across Roemer from the post office.

The building is about 900 square feet smaller than one Gruitza had originally drawn up for that site, Seamans said.

But, he said, Farrell council would have to agree to pay for site preparation, landscaping, a parking lot and a sidewalk, a cost estimated at $80,000 to $100,000.

"If they say no this time, then it's not a doable project," Seamans said. "We'll have to look at another site. The ball's in their park."

Seamans said a letter outlining the proposal, which would move the office of District Justice Henry J. Russo from Hermitage, has been sent to the city.

City Manager LaVon Saternow said the city has not received the letter and had no comment on what council might think of the proposal.

"I guess we'll just wait until we get their official letter and see what council wants to do," she said.

Commissioners had turned down an earlier Gruitza plan, which would have cost $410,000 to construct the building, prepare the site, landscape and put in a parking lot and sidewalk, as too expensive. The city was not asked to foot any of that bill.

Council and Farrell Area School District protested a plan to buy the former C's Waffle House at 841 Sharon-New Castle Road, and commissioners agreed to have Gruitza try to come up with a cheaper building at Spearman and Roemer, which is the city's preferred site for the district justice office.

The owner of C's has since withdrawn his offer to sell the building to the county.

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