The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, February 14, 2003

Residents have options
for trash pickup, council says

By Joe Pinchot
Herald Staff Writer

Wheatland residents who put out little garbage for pickup will have a cheaper alternative to getting rid of it.

Residents who put out no garbage will not be charged for pickup.

Monday, Wheatland council met with representatives of Grove City-based Tri-County Industries to work out misconceptions about the new three-year contract council awarded to the company in January, said borough secretary Sharon Stinedurf.

Tri-County believed garbage pickup was mandatory for all residents, but council got the company to agree that it is not, she said.

While Tri-County was assuming it would collect fees from almost 400 households, the previous contractor, Waste Management, had only 237 customers, Ms. Stinedurf said.

Some people have not put out any garbage, disposing of it by composting, recycling and burning, but were getting billed by Tri-County, Ms. Stinedurf said. They will no longer be billed, she said.

Tri-County also agreed to let residents buy Tri-County bags from local grocery stores, and they will not be billed, Ms. Stinedurf said.A package of 10 purple bags costs $18.40.

Residents can either have unlimited curbside pickup, putting out items in their own containers, and pay $8.56 a month, or put out bags.

Those with unlimited pickup also can put out large items, such as appliances, with any pickup. The only items not allowed to be put at the curb are toxic materials, car parts and anything heavier than 70 pounds.

Residents who buy bags will not be allowed to put large items out with their bags.

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