The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, February 14, 2003

Want fries with that? Couple to be part of McWeddings

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

Jennifer Surles used to work at the McDonald's restaurant in Brookfield, but she never thought she'd get married in one.

But that's exactly what will happen today when she and her fiancé Michael Hodil, both from Masury, join with three other couples at the two-story glass McDonald's in Warren, Ohio, for a special Valentine's Day wedding.

Hot 101 radio station in Youngstown is sponsoring a wedding ceremony at 1:30 p.m. today for four couples. Morning radio disc jockeys A.C. McCullough and Kelly Stevens, both ordained ministers, will perform the vows. They've performed weddings for the past five years.

"We're going to have fun with this," Hodil said Thursday.

The actual McWedding ceremonies will be staged in good ol' McDonald's fashion: Ronald McDonald will give away the brides; Hamburglar will walk the brides down the aisle; Grimace will be the best man and Birdie will be the flower girl.

The radio station is providing everything from the cake, flowers, wedding dresses, rented tuxedos and veils to the limos, wedding bands, photographers and a private reception of McDonald's food afterwards.

Their children -- 3-year-old Madison, 7-year-old Courtney and 7-year-old Michael Jr. -- will have their pictures taken with McDonald's characters.

The station is also fronting the cost for the bride and groom's overnight stay at Comfort Inn in downtown Warren.

Though Ms. Surles was feeling "a little nervous" Thursday, Hodil said he didn't have any jitters. Hodil, lead singer of the band Saints and Sinners, said he invited his bandmates to be at the ceremony.

"The only thing that's uncomfortable is the guys from the band are going to be there and the guitar player and his wife said they're wearing Burger King outfits to the ceremony," he laughed. "But I'll make A.C. and Kelly feel just as uncomfortable as the rest of us."

The couple was chosen for the contest after Miss Surles sent in an e-mail to the station about how they met and why they should be chosen. The following day she received the good news from Kelly, who called to say they were couple No. 2.

Hot 101 plans to feature the couples on its broadcast today before the wedding ceremony and offer them wedding and marriage tips.


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