The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Learn value of your antiques

By Sherris Moreira-Byers

Herald Staff Writer

An antique review to be held at 7 tonight in the Stewart House at 5465 E. State St., Hermitage, is a sweetheart of a way to provide support for the Hermitage Historical Society and learn whether collectibles from home are trash or treasure.

"We decided in February, which is kind of a slow month, to give people a reason to come out," said Rod McAdams, a society member. "We thought an antique review would draw their interest."

The society will have Amie and Gary from AmieMac Antiques, on Sunset Road in Lackawannock Township, appraise the items. Assisting will be Andy Balko of Hermitage, who has a long-time interest in antique toys and old farming implements.

McAdams said any antique items of interest, such as dishes, crystal and war relics, are welcome at the review, among other items.

"Sometimes we do a show and tell, where we invite people to bring antique collectibles and tell the story behind them. This is the first time we've done an antique review, where people can get an idea about the value and the age of their antique items," McAdams said.

The review is free to the public, but the organization is asking for a "Valentine's gift for the house. The only cost is, we're asking people to bring a donation of a household item for the house," McAdams said. Some ideas for donations include tissues, cleanser, mops, D-con, tea, paper towels, toilet paper, dish soap, liquid hand soap, brooms, light bulbs and a snow shovel.

"At the top end, we'd like to get a grandfather clock for the hallway, and old-fashioned chairs and tables," he said.

There will also be an open house tour, which will include the newly remodeled third floor. "It was boarded up before and you could only gain access by crawling up a stairway," McAdams said. "It is in the process of becoming a military room. It was re-drywalled and repainted."

Eventually the society would like to replace the cupola that was taken off during World War II to salvage metal for the war effort.

The monthly board meeting will also be held tonight.

For more information, call the society at (724) 346-0419.

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