The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, March 1, 2003

City gets more time to study
specs for district justice office

Mercer County officials have given Farrell council an extra week to consider its proposal to build a new district justice's office at Spearman Avenue and Roemer Boulevard.

The county had given council until Friday to respond to its offer, but agreed to the extra time when information requested from the city was not delivered.

Council announced Monday that it was rejecting the offer because it did not have enough information, but City Manager LaVon Saternow said Thursday that any new information would be passed on to council.

On Feb. 18, the city received a letter from the county offering to build the office at Roemer and Spearman, across Roemer from the post office, if the city agreed to pay for rough grading and final landscaping and to build a sidewalk and parking lot.

Council has pressed for the county to build the office at Spearman and Roemer and protested two other sites considered by commissioners.

The city responded with a letter asking that officials see the specifications for its part of the work. The specs were not delivered.

Commissioner Kenneth Seamans said he picked up the specs from architect John Gruitza on Friday and delivered them to Mrs. Saternow.

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