The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Monday, March 3, 2003

Farrell artist's painting dedicated at hospital

By Erin Palko
Herald Staff Writer

The soft purples and lavenders of Michael DeBonis' "Moonlight Dance" helped soothe CarolAnn Eagle as she was receiving chemotherapy treatments.

The Jackson Township mother of two died on May 6, 2002, at age 34 after a battle with cancer. But her favorite painting is available to bring comfort to other cancer patients who pass through the oncology unit at UPMC Horizon's hospital in Greenville.

The hospital on Wednesday dedicated the painting in memory of Ms. Eagle. Her two sons, Jones, 11, and Jake, 10, helped to hang the painting on the wall in the hallway.

Ms. Eagle's sister, Renee Nickel, said the painting hung in her sister's bedroom, where she could gaze at the flowing images of dancers in the moonlight even when she was feeling her worst.

"It made her feel really calm and really soothed," said Mrs. Nickel, a Horizon nurse. "Even during chemotherapy, it made her feel so much better."

In different lighting, the painting appears to have many more shapes and images than what first appears to the eye.

"After spending so much time in the room, you can see so many different shapes," Mrs. Nickel said.

DeBonis, of Farrell, said he was inspired to paint "Moonlight Dance" after camping under the moon with his children.

"The moon was shining so clear, it looked like the moon was dancing," he said.

He added that it was an honor for him to have his painting dedicated to the hospital, and an honor that Ms. Eagle got so much enjoyment from it.

"Hopefully other people will see things they want to see in it," he said.

Mrs. Nickel said when Ms. Eagle first went to the hospital, no one realized she was the sister of a nurse. But from the time she arrived, she was treated like family.

"She couldn't have been treated any better," Mrs. Nickel said. "She really wanted to give back to the people who were so good to her."

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