The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, March 5, 2003

Firefighters save garage;
attached home is total loss

It was a neighbor who noticed flames late Monday night and alerted authorities to a fire that broke out at a Findley Township trailer.

The "rather extensive" fire started shortly before 11:30 p.m. and within the hour had destroyed much of the home at 489 Hartwick Road while its owners were away, said Mercer East End Fire Chief Bill Finley.

"We salvaged the attached garage, but everything else was a total loss," Finley said.

A Jackson Center firefighter suffered a minor knee injury at the scene after slipping and falling on ice, Finley said. He was treated at the scene.

The state police fire marshal ruled the fire accidental and said it apparently started near the home's furnace. The home, owned by Jim Burke, was insured, Finley said. The family was living in between homes, mostly staying down the road with relatives, Finley said. He said he wasn't aware how much of the family's belongings were still in the home when the fire started.

"Some was moved because they're living in both places," he said.

Pine Township, Grove City, Jackson Center and Springfield Township firefighters also responded.

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