The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Teams take top spots at Equations

Hermitage School District students competed Wednesday in the Equations tournament at Slippery Rock University.

Hickory High School took first and second places in the junior division and had eight undefeated players.

Jeff Peachman, Nick Lumpp, Brennan Lowry, Jimmy Blair and Kristen McBride comprised the first-place group, with Jeff going undefeated.

Ricky Martell, Steve Stanovich, Nikki Sheppard, Lauren Baldarelli and Sheila Shaffer comprised the second-place team. Ricky, Steve and Nikki were undefeated.

Kyle Knisley also was an undefeated junior division player.

Darla Anselmi, Nik Preece and Jeremy Battyanyi were undefeated in the senior division.

Hermitage Middle school teams took first and second place, while two teams tied for fourth place and one took fifth.

The school also had 13 undefeated players.

Cameron Konop, Taylor Hebble, Caitlin Whaley, Ryan Hartinstein and Carly Turk comprised "The Manipulators" first-place team. Cameron, Taylor, Caitlin and Ryan were undefeated.

Bianca Napolitan, Steven McBride, Willie Pletcher, Jordan Benes and Josh Peagler made up "The Variblenators" second-place team.

Bianca, Steven and Willie were undefeated.

Michael DeJulia, Ryan McCann, Dragana Masic, April Shirley and Martina Hirschmann made up "The Individuals;" and Danny Andrusky, Kevin Cornwall, Brett Carly, Carly Fleming and John Macris comprised "We Couldn't Think of a Name." Michael, Ryan, Danny and Kevin were undefeated.

Chris Hull, Dawn Winkler, John Mlakar, John Monaco and Justin Felder were members of the fifth-place "Butter on a Stack of Pancakes." Chris was undefeated.

Ale Sonoga, Krysta Cione, Molly Dale, Ryan Zippie and Josh Watkins were part of "We STILL Couldn't Think of a Name." Ale was undefeated.

Hermitage Middle School placed five teams out of six rankings at the tournament.

Rhonda Paglia advises the high school Academic Games teams. Nik Preece, a senior, was student coach.

Michelle Calvert-Lanshak coached the Hermitage Middle students.

Carol Amidon, of Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV in Grove City, coordinates the Academic Games program.

About 100 third- through 12th-graders participated in the two-day tournament.

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